Couscous ist much better since yesterday. The fever droped more, but was still at 39,7. After Doc he wanted bit eat and outside. Today he was much better too, had bit food and he purred again, which he not did the last days. He hides now since the morning that i can give him his pills. Im so so happy that he is better now and i think now the fears to loose him is away.
And i hope you like the new Blog Layout i made just. The other was too heavy i found. This one i very prefer more. Its fun to do such Blog Layouts and its something different. Maybe you will get some from time to time free for you to download in a time. The Elements are out of a new Kit i just create. It will be a Vintage Styled one again with brighter colors.
I want show you today some
Altered Metal Plates and Frames which i made for the Shoppe. They are always needed in so many Layouts. 74 pieces you will get with that Add-On.
available @ NBK-THE SHOPPE

Oh, I'm so happy to hear your fur baby is better...Thank you for the update.
Glad to hear CousCous is feeling better. :)
Wonderful news, Nicole, that CousCous is feeling better. I hope he will soon be his self again and you will enjoy seeing him play in your garden with many more years of life to enjoy.
Thank you for the beautiful Easter gift.
Thanks for the update on CousCous; happy to hear he is feeling better. The normal temperature for a kitty is between 38 and 39.2 so he is very close to normal now!
I love the new look of your blog; nice job!
Have a great weekend!
Good News!! Yay...I'm so glad your kitty is better. I will pray to his continued recovery. Thanks for keeping us up to date on his condition. I bet your relieved. Hugs -- xoxo! (terri - hawaii)
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