Im just really a bad blogger, I was so busy last time and work was that much that i was evenings almost to throw away. We moved to a new Server with the Shoppe and it worked in between 3 days. With the Move of the Shop soon there will come up a Gallery plus a Forum. All things i will do next days. And i worked on a Halloween Kit, my first one, and im bit proud of it. Even it was really hard work this time. THru that we dont grew up here in Germany with Halloween, we dont so have the Connection to it. I think thats why it was kinda hard to create it.
Now the days get so short here and it gets cold more and more. I already feel somehow depressed even we had today the first fall day with bit of rain. We hadnt had here since weeks no rain and all looks dryed out.
The Kittens get already their winter fur i today realised, CousCous looks so cuddly with his big collar of hairs. I must always snug him so tight which he not at all likes. Im glad for CousCous now cause he has since end of July again the Grassmites and there is nothing which helps him. So he licks the whole time his whole body and scratch cause all at him itches from them. Poor Boy. But it gets better now thru the colder weather they go. I did let him once bath at the Doc. but it not helped him much.
So before i talk now boring things further... here comes a Freebie. I think it fits good to all of your Fall / autumn Layouts and its fits to the Kit which i did with Doris
Autumn Bliss.Doris Birthday is soon and we set again the Shop on 25% off all... So maybe you find something. Meanwhile we have some nice
CU Stuff. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++Remember if you Download, give some Love andlink back to his Blog if u want share it with others!I give away my Freebies for Free, please honourthat in a respectfull way. The Password is: shoppe
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